Welcome to the 2024, 1st Quarter Update Blog Post for our group on Facebook California Surf Fishing (CSF).
Let's take a look at what ate bait in the CA Surf Zone in Jan, Feb, and March 2024, and celebrate these member catches!


As you can see, the first few months of 2024 have been very productive. These photos represent only a small percentage of the fish caught, and pictures posted in our Facebook group California Surf Fishing (CSF). As far as I can tell, it seems like the Halibut bite south of Ventura County arrived early this year. That makes sense to me considering the water temps are relatively warmer. It's a great sign, and I think California has some awesome surf fishing ahead in '24. Join is on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/groups/californiasurffishing
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Follow on Instagram @casurffishing https://www.instagram.com/casurffishing/ I put many hours into creating all of this. It's an honor to contribute to the CA Surf Fishing Community. I enjoy it, and I hope you do too! If you appreciate this sort of thing, you can help support VINCEGOESFISHING and California Surf Fishing (CSF) simply by enjoying the fine quality products offered on this website. Get 10% OFF use code CSF at CaSurfFishing.com/ShopAll. Or, you can donate here.
Now, stay tuned for our 2nd Quarter 2024 California Surf Fishing (CSF) Update, coming in July!
Tight lines!