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Marty Talcove used a Tactical Angler Clip with the Battlestar XLS Hook to catch this fish.
Marty Talcove used a Tactical Angler Clip with the Battlestar XLS Hook to catch this fish.

I received this question by email, from a surf angler named Matt. He wanted to know if using a Tactical Angler Clip with a Battlestar XLS Weighted Swimbait Hook would reduce the weed-lessness of the rig.


Hey Vince,

I'm a big fan of your weighted hooks. Do you use tactical angler's clips with them, or just tie on directly? I was wondering if you have noticed if the clips make it less weedless than without them. 

Thanks man,



Hi Matt, Thanks for asking! 

When the XLS hooks came out I noticed a lot of people were using clips and talking about how convenient it is to change from one hook to another that way. 

My concern was that it may reduce the weed-lessness. 

The few times I've tried it, the clip was not collecting weed. But I have to wonder if that's because the water was relatively clean those days. 

So I don't know if/how much the clip reduces weed-lessness because I don't have much experience using a clip with the modified TX Rig. 

I tend to avoid using the clip, and leader also. In my thinking, the bait will be more weedless, and the strength of the knot/line will be maximized with straight braid/no leader. 

I would like to get more experience experimenting with clips to conclude if they are indeed significantly less weedless. But these days I fish up in San Luis Obispo so I have a lot less opportunity to fish Swimbaits.

This would be a cool question for the FB group. Maybe we can get a gang of guys to experiment with and without the clip and see what the consensus is. 

You might also pose this question to Jason Hill. He uses clips and Battlestar Swimbaits, and he fishes some weedy water, so he might know. 

Personally, I kinda just don't like the idea of using a clip on a swimbait. I'd rather tie on straight braid with a Palomar knot. That's just a personal preference tho. 

Matt, if you spend a whole season fishing with and without the clip, and make observations, please send me the info, I'd really like to know. 





Thanks for your reply. I'll let you know. Might even change it up during a session, just so everything else is the same. I'll let you know if I discover anything worth reporting. 

I have a hunch that it does matter. 



Awesome, thanks for your close attention to detail and helping the community to learn :D Hey, check out this reply from Marty Taclove. -Vincent

Marty Talcove provides his feedback
Marty Talcove provides his feedback


Thanks for the forward. The other day I fished clipless, if you will. Didn't notice a big weed difference but it sure was a pain switching rigs. Gonna stick w the clip. I've never thought about clip size, that's smart. 



Right on. If the water is really dirty and you notice weed on the clip, then you still have one wild card up your sleeve, to try fishing without it. 

Good luck! :)



I hope you found the above dialogue helpful. Please help us make observations and share this information in our Facebook Group, California Surf Fishing (CSF). For more info on how to rig up a Modified Texas Rig Swimbait, check out this video from VINCE GOES FISHING

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